Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Outside The Box

I am awkward in front of the camera. Really awkward. Giggly, shifty, nervous chatter about everything-in-the-world kind of awkward. Maybe it's the fact that I spend so much time behind the camera and not in front of it. It's my security blanket. Sure, I can stand and paste a smile on. I can make a ridiculous face. I cannot, however, look even slightly normal when a camera is pointed my way.

Or so I thought.

The tables were turned during my recent trip to Las Vegas. My new (and uber talented friend) Sasha, was kind enough to turn his lens on me. He was patient, totally non-judgy of my faces, and made me feel kind of like a model. Which is pretty cool.

At some point, my brain shut off and instead of the constant
"Suck in!"
"Oh no. My chin. It's so weeeird."
"Don't blink."

I started to relax. Thank you Sasha for helping me outside my box, filling my head with knowledge, and taking some stellar pictures!

Photos by Sasha, a San Francisco wedding photographer.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Anjuli & Brian: Wedding

He waited. Strong and silent. The doors creaked opened behind him and his breath caught in his throat as he listened to her footsteps come closer.

She walked slowly forward, her eyes teary and a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

And he waited.

She came up behind him and gently folded her arms around him, laying her head on his shoulder. He turned slowly, and seeing her for the first time on their wedding day, he smiled back.


Anjuli and Brian, thank you. I can't describe how grateful I am that you chose to include me on your wedding day. You allowed me into your lives, your moments, and your love. A love that resonated clearly through the air, like a silent bell, with a force that transcended words.

Thank you.

I hope you have an amazing time in Bora Bora. I can't wait to hear all about it!

Happy Thursday!